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(02.-04.07.‘05, 21.-26.08.‘06, 18.-24.08.‘07, 29.06.-02.07.‘08, 07.-10.07.'09)

Czech Republic Ministry of Education Accreditation
No. 27 986/2011-25-546
Slovak Republic Ministry of Education Accreditation
No. 2274/13766/2006/228/1


Věra Hessová, MEd – Liberec School Inspectorate – Masarykova 28, 460 01 Liberec

a) “I attended a very interesting methodological seminar aimed on the teaching of reading using the 'Blended reading' technique. It widened my view of what ways there are to make reading with understanding more effective. The exceptional way in which you gave your presentation, how personally committed you were and effectively persuasive, how well the music and drama preparations had been made, and the many years of experience gained while working with children in correcting reading skills all concentrated the attention of your audience, motivated them and pulled them right into the matter.”

b) “As an inspector I am not going to have the opportunity to practically train individual techniques directly in class, but it is without doubt a great advantage to know about various methods of teaching reading, especially when these are effective and they take into consideration – primarily – the child and his/her needs and requirements. If you teach using the 'Blended reading' technique, you provide all children with the best precondition to have a good chance of being successful in their reading, because the training methods involved are on the one hand based on scientific knowledge and principles, and on the other hand they are also very close to the children and they find them natural.”

c) “Reading with understanding is anchored in reading slowly. What is important is eye-to-ear coordination – that is, coordination of the most basic senses that a human being uses. The training is based on the systematic use of simple but effective teaching aids, such as a board, small boards [tablets] with letters, and cards. Information should be presented clearly and should be based on opposites, so that the child does not mix things up and thus stays clear from mistakes. The child undergoes voice and intonation preparation and makes use of his/her sense of dramatization, which is something that children are very good at. All activities are based on gaining experience from learning sounds and letters and dramatization in space. When teaching children using this technique, it is also necessary to inform the children's parents, so that they are ready to deal with the new procedures and to prevent them from hurrying too much in training their children to read as a result of them being afraid of their children missing out on something. On the contrary, in this case it is necessary to slacken the pace and to give children enough space and time until they properly fix the individual elements. It seems that through the 'blended reading' method it is also possible to teach children who suffer from various dysfunctions to read. Owing to their problems, such children tend to turn away and do not want to cooperate and learn anything new, or they feel pushed aside and underestimated by their peers even though it is not their fault – the only difference is that they have individual needs. However, even these children have a chance to achieve the same results as other children who are taught to read by the 'blended reading' method.”

d) “Now all that remains to be done is to train a sufficient number of enthusiastic teachers and to get down to the nitty-gritty of the work. ...I wish all the children and their teachers many happy moments while reading.”

Eva Šefránková, MEd & Jiřina Götzová, EdD – South Moravian School Inspectorate – Křížová 22, 603 00 Brno

a) “The seminar was very valuable owing to the teaching methods presented by the inventor of the methodology. We were interested not only in how professional the seminar was, but also in how the facilitator used her voice, how those present were activated and motivated.”

b) “We are of the opinion that the methodology concerned is very suitable and applicable to all children.”

c) “The seminar was of benefit to our inspectors and it is a matter of course that we are going to recommend it in schools as a method that is suitable to use.

EVALUATION – POLAND (20.03.2005):
Maria Jarczyk, MEd – Director, Ośrodek pracy pozaszkolnej – ul. Nierad 110, Kryry – 43-265 Mizerów

“...I completely identify with what Dr Navrátilová introduced to us. I myself have been, for a number of years, concerned with...the facets of the correct reading method, which is adapted to children with various deficiencies or disadvantages…”

Zuzana Hrnčárová, MEd – Special Primary School, Hodžova 37 – 911 81 Trenčín

“...Amongst us came a congenial, smiling lady who did not allow us just to take in all the information passively. Her methodology is excellent. She kept our attention for almost three hours thanks to her artistic qualities and the interesting information she presented. I would like to thank her for all the knowledge she passed on to us in the form of a new methodology called OSBUA – a new technique for teaching reading that will surely be fruitful, especially at first grade primary school level. At the same time we know that it is very difficult to change the way we are used to teaching but we also know that the number of children who have learning difficulties is growing and that the only thing we can do is to diagnose the disorder and possibly also provide therapy (that is, if we have time amidst our teaching). That is why we should pay more attention to preventing such disorders...”

Our first Summer School for Teachers (02.-04.07.'05) – pictures' gallery – please click here.

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